Sanierung eines ehemaligen Tanklagers in Hamburg

Service Provider

reconsite GmbH

Auberlenstraße 13 / 70736 Fellbach
Environmental Engineering
Boden- und Gewässserschutz Eigenschaften
Environmental Engineering
aus industriellen Prozessen und abwassertechnischen Anlagen
Schadstoffabbau: Organische Kohlenwasserstoffe (VOC)
Groundwater Remediation
Groundwater Remediation Properties
Expert services: Monitoring
In-situ process GWS: Soil vapor extraction, Steam injection, Dual Phase Extraction, Phase recovery, Pump and Treat, Steam-air injection
Surface soil remediation in-situ: 10000 m²
Treatment methods: Stripping, Multi-phase separator
Other technical conditions: Control technology with remote access, Data storage online
Depth of load: 10
Soil Remediation Work
Respiratory protection: Gas filter
Safety precautions: Personal protective equipment (PPE), PID measurements, Black and white facility, Full protection
Soil Remediation Work
Emission Protection Properties
Safety precautions: Suction, Aeration, Black and white facility, Boot washer
Soil Remediation Work
In-situ Method Properties
In-situ method: Soil vapor extraction, Steam injection, Dual phase extraction, In-situ stripping, Pump and Treat, TUBA (steam-air injection)
Restoration depth: 12 m
Cubature soil remediation in-situ: 100000 m³

BUKEA - Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany, Europe
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